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Our Services – CHAPEL OF HIS GLORY | RCCG Church in Bradford

Our Services

You are welcome to join us at any of our various services held throughout the week

Sunday Services

Celebration First Service | 09:15am-10:45am
Sunday School | 10.45am-11:30am
Celebration 2nd Service | 11:40am-1:15pm

ONLINE |  https://zoom.us/join
Meeting ID: 849 486 5877 , PASSWORD: 831310

rccg bradford church

Digging Deep

Weekly Bible Study every Thursday | 6:30pm-8:00pm

ONLINE |  https://zoom.us/join
Meeting ID: 849 486 5877 , PASSWORD: 831310

Other Weekly Activities

Every Saturday:
1. Evangelism | 2pm-4pm
2. Intercessory Hour | 4pm-5pm


Faith Clinic

First Tuesday of every month | 6:30pm-7:30pm

Thanksgiving Service

Every First Sunday of the Month
During celebration service


Other Monthly Activities

Hour of His Glory
(Anointing Service/Special Prayer Session)
Every 3rd Sunday of the Month.

Hour of Restoration and Holy Communion Service
Every last Friday of each month | 10pm Prompt

House Fellowship
Please click here for details on House Fellowship locations

The Church operates a dedicated shuttle service through its fleet of minibuses

Want to get married at Chapel of His Glory?