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History Of RCCG Chapel Of His Glory Bradford – CHAPEL OF HIS GLORY | RCCG Church in Bradford

RCCG chapel of his Glory, Bradford

(Formerly Strongtower Parish, Bradford)

RCCG chapel of his Glory, Bradford is part of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), which was established in Lagos, Nigeria in 1952. The General Overseer of the church is Pastor E.A. Adeboye. This ministry has over 5000 parishes worldwide and a membership of over 5 million worshippers worldwide (see www.rccg.org).
The term ‘parish’ is used to describe an administrative subdivision of a larger body of a civil or church organisation. Chapel of His Glory Bradford was one of the first parishes of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in West Yorkshire. It started as a house fellowship with 7 adults and a toddler namely: Sis Florence Oyedele, Bro. Openiyi Adebiyi, Bro. Dara Shofoluwe, Bro. Akpo Onduku, Sis Abiola Shofoluwe, Sis Bola Smart, Bro Pele Odiaise and little Damilola Shofoluwe.

  • 2002

    Do you want to know how it started? Read on:

    The year was July 2002. Having just arrived from Nigeria, Bro Dara being a minister in the RCCG desired to have continuous fellowship with the RCCG family, so he made contact with the nearest RCCG parish to Bradford. Pastor Yemi Obadimeji (the Pastor of RCCG Strongtower Parish, Manchester) was approached to consider planting a parish in Bradford. “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27).

    To further the church planting vision, between August and September 2002 a house fellowship centre was inaugurated at 187 Brookfield Road, Bradford — the then residence of Bro & Sis Dara Shofoluwe. The fellowship meeting was something everyone looked forward to. There was always a wonderful atmosphere of worship at 187 Brookfield Road. As the fellowship increased in numbers, it became necessary to seek a more suitable premises. Thus, the church secured a meeting hall at YMCA Macmillan Centre, Dorset Street Bradford where the church began in earnest.

    It was at this address, on the 23rd of November 2002, that the church was formally commissioned. The church dedication and inaugural ceremony was well attended by members and non-members. The occasion was graced with the presence of some very senior pastors of RCCG Worldwide including an Assistant General Overseer. The attendees included Pastor Akindele, Pastor Ojo and Pastor Babatunde Isiaka — the then Director of Evangelism, UK & Ireland.

  • 2003

    The day of small beginning

    The day of small beginning, the Bible says, should not be despised. It was a time of hard work, morning evangelism, packing and unpacking of equipment and cleaning of the venue just before service and re-arranging of chairs just after the service. It was a humble but busy beginning, filled with numerous activities. All of this was accompanied by continuous praise, clapping of hands and stamping of feet in joyful enthusiasm. That small place brought every member together with love and unity being in full manifestation. By early 2003, the church moved to HILTON HOTEL, Bradford. God gave the church more recognition and increased the numerical strength of the church. It was this tremendous growth that prompted the church’s move later to VICTORIA HOTEL for two months and thereafter to the main hall of the MAYFIELD CENTRE from the 28th August 2005 to 1stJuly, 2010. The pioneering Bradford Parish Administrator was Bro. Openiyi Adebiyi who doubled as the Minister-in-Charge supported by the then ‘Committee of Elders’ including Bro Dara Shofoluwe, Sis Florence Oyedele, and Bro Akpo Onduku. Brother Adebiyi led the church from infancy until his move to Bedford in 2003. From the middle of 2003 to the end of 2004 Bro Dara Shofoluwe took over as the church administrator and the minister-in-charge.

  • 2005

    The Church is marching on

    In January 2005, the era of leadership by church administrators came to a timely end as Bro. Dara, under divine providence, was installed as the Pastor of the then RCCG Strongtower Parish, Bradford. Pastor Dara Shofoluwe, a man of God, like David, that loves the Lord with a passion, was already a minister and a teacher of the word. What always shines through his service to the Lord is his deep and profound concern for souls, his humility and his sense of goodwill to all of God’s creation. This was a new dawn in the history of the church and with it came direct recognition of the parish from RCCG’s UK Central Office. With this new lease of life, and under the leadership of Pastor Shofoluwe, the current pastor, the church experienced tremendous growth and metamorphosed from a satellite parish to a fully-fledged family church.

    The Church is marching on
    In recent times the Church has been a hub of activities for Christian events and training. It has been the host to a number of conferences, seminars and musical concerts. It now has a plethora of ministries and departments through which it promotes the work of the Kingdom of God. Some of the ministries include, the Evangelism Team, Prayer Walk, 24/7 Prayer Group, Transportation Ministry, The Music Ministry, The Technical Team, The University of Bradford RCCG Student Group, The Hospitality Team, The Men’s Fellowship, The Good Women’s Fellowship, The Pre-Marital Class, The Marriage Counselling Team and the Visitation Ministry.

  • 2006

    Bearing Fruit: New Parishes

    In March 2006 to the glory of God, two parishes were birthed: namely Everlasting Father Assembly in Leeds under the leadership of Pastor Samuel Obafaiye and Strongtower Power House Restoration Centre in Halifax. In June 2007, another parish called Chapel of Grace was planted in Shipley under the leadership of (Dr.) Kenneth Omeje. Due to the relocation of Dr. Keneth Omeje to Kenya on his appointment as a professor in one the international universities in Kenya, Deacon Akpo Onduku and his wife was commissioned to pastor RCCG Chapel of Grace in Shipley. The church has since been relocated to Bradford in 2009.

  • 2010

    New name and new status

    The Lord blessed the church with the lease of dedicated, purpose-built premises. Due to the amount of structural changes needed and the financial outlay, at first it looked like an impossible feat but once again, the God of possibilities was at hand to bless the move and on 1st July 2010, the church was able to move to Glory Centre right in the heart of Bradford City centre. In the same period God gave the father of the house the vision for a new name for a new beginning and the name of the church came thereafter to be known as Chapel of His Glory. The Lord continued to add to the church and Glory Centre has come to be known as the place of favour, blessing and increase.

  • 2012

    To the glory of God

    To the glory of God, in June 2012, the church achieved Area status as God elevated Pastor Dara Shofoluwe to become an Area Pastor having oversight for several churches in Area 3 North/West of England. The Church is advancing; Forward! Forward! On and on! For the Lord of Hosts is with us. The God of Jacob is our refuge, He is our Strong tower and indeed our King of Glory dwells in our midst.

    Come, join the advance today!

The Church operates a dedicated shuttle service through its fleet of minibuses